Taking You Into The Weekend With The Best NBA Plays Through The All Star Break

It’s late, you’ve had one hell of a week I’m sure, so allow me to end your workday the best way I know how. It’s been a crazy 58ish games so far this season where each and every night we seem to get a handful of plays that somehow get more and more impressive. Whether it’s posters, game winning daggers, crazy handles, this season has absolutely delivered the goods. There’s been so much to choose from the NBA kindly put everything in a nice little package for us that lasts nearly 17 minutes. As I went through this video I kept shaking my head at all the ridiculous shit we’ve seen because honestly there’s been so much I forgot about some. Like do you remember when Klay hit a billion threes in Chicago? Or when Darren Collison put DeAndre Ayton on skates? Or basically anything Giannis did? It’s why even if we all know who is going to win the title in June this league is still worth watching on a nightly basis. The talent has never been better and you truly have no idea what you’re going to see each night.

It’s been a while since I did one of these end of the day countdown videos, but if I were at work right now I’d be looking for anything to help the time move quicker, so this is my gift to you. No better way to scratch and claw your way to the weekend than to get lost in basketball highlights, I’ve often said that. So go ahead, hit play and enjoy some of the best the league has given us up until this point

Have a great weekend everybody, see you all on Monday!

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